What is RUBiS Rewards Program?
A Rewards program that gives you the chance to earn free Fuel, points for Shop Discounts and Club Rewards.
How do I use the tag at the pump?
You simply touch your key tag on the diagram of the tag on the Touch Point unit at the pump while fueling. After the key tag has been read, you will hear a beep and audio providing information regarding your points and rewards.
How do I earn Fuel Rewards?
Purchase a minimum of 50 litres of fuel each month to be eligible.
How do I use my key tag inside the store?
When you're making a purchase at the counter, the light labeled "Points" on the printer will light up. this is your signal to touch your key tag to the designated area on the scanner. the "Points" light will then flash signaling your points were assigned. It's that simple!
How do I earn points for Shop Rewards?
Earn 10 points for every dollar spent in the shop and make the qualifying number of points and earn your reward.
How do I earn Club Rewards?
Every time you purchase Club items you earn Club credits. Make the qualifying number of purchases and earn your reward.
Can I double swipe and get double points ever?
No. Points are awarded on a single transaction only.
How do I know when I have earned a reward?
The touch point on the RUBiS Rewards printer at the register will tell you whenever you have earned a reward.
Will my points expire?
Points accumulate, they do not expire. However, reward coupons have a 30 day expiration date once they are printed.
Do Club reward credits expire?
No. Club credits accumulate until redeemed for a reward or the club has been discontinued.
How do I redeem my rewards?
Touch your RUBiS Rewards key tag to the RUBiS Rewards printer located at the register. All rewards earned will print on coupons just for you. The printer will print up to 5 coupons at a time. If you have more than 5 coupons to print, simply touch your key tag again and up to 5 more coupons will print.
Who do I call if I have any questions?
You can speak to a representative at the service station or contact our corporate office during normal working hours at (441) 297-1577.
Is there a cost for getting a RUBiS Rewards key tag?
No, it is totally free.
Do I need to register my RUBiS Rewards key tag?
Yes. You are required to register your key tag within 7 days by filling out the registration form at the station or online.
What happens if I don't register?
You will not receive free points for registering. You will lose any accumulated points, Club credits and unprinted coupons if your key tag is lost. You may not be eligible for certain rewards. You will not be able to track (online) your points, Club credits and rewards won.
When do I use my RUBiS Rewards key tag?
Every time you make a purchase of fuel or in the shop hold your RUBiS Rewards key tag at the completion of the transaction to the touchpoint unit located on the fuel pump or at the register.
Do I have to keep track of my points?
No, the system will automatically total your fuel purchase, points on qualified purchases or apply Club credits.
Do I need to print my coupons as soon as the reward has been earned?
No, you have 30 days to print a reward coupon but the coupon(s) will print the next time you touch your RUBiS Rewards key tag to the printer at the register.
How can I find out how many points I have accumulated?
When you're in the store, go to the Rewards printer and touch your key tag to the printer. The printer will print out a status report of your current points total for that store. You can also check your points at http://rubisrewards.frequentfiller.com
Can I combine reward coupons for the same transaction?
You can use one coupon, per each item, per transaction. Members cannot use multiple coupons for the same item.
Can I substitute a reward of equal value if I do not want one of the items on the list?
Unfortunately not. You will need to choose from one of the items listed on the coupon.
Can other people or members of my family apply points to the same card?
Points will be applied at purchase to the key tag used. Each person should have a RUBiS rewards key tag.
What if I forget my key tag?
You must use your RUBiS Rewards key tag at the time of purchase to have fuel purchases, points or Club credits applied.
What if I lose my key tag? Will I lose any rewards or points?
For a $4.00 fee, you can obtain a replacement key tag from any RUBiS station. Your account will be transferred in 5-7 working days by calling a RUBiS Representative to have points transferred.
The printer did not print all of my reward coupons. Why?
The printer will print up to 5 coupons at a time. If you have more than 5 coupons to print, simply touch your key tag again and up to 5 more coupons will print.
Can I choose which rewards to print or decline?
No, your reward coupon(s) will automatically print any rewards anytime you use your RUBiS Rewards key tag at the printer.
How do I update my personal information?
Go to http://rubisrewards.frequentfiller.com
Is the information I give you safe?
Yes. The safety of your information is of the utmost importance. We do not divulge any information. The information you have provided is required to enable us to verify and link your information to your RUBiS Rewards key tag and to inform you of important changes to the program.
What if I don't see my question?
Contact our corporate office during normal working hours at (441) 297-1577.
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